Gratitude is the basic necessity!

Mahrukh Sarfraz
3 min readAug 3, 2020


Gratitude is something that we need to do once in our lives, to the people who support us in our bad times, who helped us indirectly for the deeds they even don’t know about what they are doing but for you that support could be your whole life achievement. Gratitude could only be for the sake of Allah, Grateful to Allah first and must, As He is your creator, He let you live in your dreams, He sent the people who helped you in your worst situations as His agents, Be grateful for all the things you have and for all the things even you don’t have that may be those things are not in your life because they didn’t meant to be.

In Islam, Gratitude is considered as the part of faith. Being ungrateful is equal to doing “Kufar’. Grateful to Allah and to your helpers leads to Allah’s pleasure and it also make you down to earth person as you knows better of what you have and all you have is just because of Allah.

Gratitude can be easily measured by taking notice on the people close to Islam. Take yourself first, you have enough food to eat on daily basis?, you have a roof to stay inside?, you have family as a support system?, you have money to fulfill your needs?, you have a healthy body with no defect?, you have a wide mindset to think upon discoveries of world?, If, Yes, Then you should be grateful of your Lord, Allah, For all these blessings, you have in your life. Okey!! Now Take a look on another random person from, (can be from another country or society status you know), Sufi world and Palestine?. Well, the persons near to Allah could be seen anywhere, just you need to take a look. The more you gets near to your Allah, the less you need things to maintain your life. The luxuries hence didn’t beneficial for you anyway if you are ungrateful towards your creator!.

So, today, As I have a small list of people to be thankful of, but those too were so far from me as I cannot share my feelings for them this time, but yes, I used to be grateful of all the persons and expressed my feelings and thankfulness for them by that time, That’s why I’d choose only few people out of them one is I’m going to share with all of you. That person from my gratitude list is my best friend Razeen. We are together from 5 years and She never let me feel alone and support me even in tiny projects. She helped me in raising my confidence in public places, she support my views in public, and above of that all, she listens to me carefully whenever i got depressed and resolve the issue wisely.

You can appreciate someone on their doings for you once in life or frequently, it is not necessary to do it everyday. The tiny praises for people make you feel happier and brings inside peace of your mental health.

  • The more the attitude of gratitude you develop, the more the blessings shower on you — or maybe it’s just that you’ll start seeing the blessings in places you never saw before.

At the end of this topic, I want to share a Dua for being thankful to Allah! Belongs to Prophet Suleman (AS) asking to be a grateful man,

Thank you! for your precious time.

